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Objective: To study in Japan so strong

Japan currently plays like a Liuyang dream of many young people in Vietnam, but if you really understand this powerful educational superpower?

Has a top university

Japan has the best university, top 5 in the top 100 universities in the world - World University list QS/rankings 2015 2016.

Japan is to improve the education of a country, is the country's international students looking for the challenges of life and experience of the course curriculum and teaching has attracted more and more completely or mainly in English, the Japanese became more accessible to the who do not speak Japanese. With the rising of the value of the international program, you will have many opportunities to find the ideal curriculum in Japan.

Diversified international program

In 2008, Japan announced the "300000 international students plan", the Japanese move closer to international students 300000, foreign students hope to learn and work (this means that in 2020 more than 100 thousand students in 5 years).

So, now is the best time for studying in Japan. In Japan, the country is trying to make learning easier, while continuing to expand and improve the procedures, direct services for foreign students. Basically, you want to go to Japan to learn, you need to create conditions for the reality of the dream of studying in Japan.

Expand your career opportunities after graduation

In order to attract more foreign students, in the Japanese corporate arms welcoming international students after graduation. These areas are recruiting needs most is technology, CNTT, investment banks and direction of education. With the strong penetration in the global market of Japanese enterprises, study here, you will have more chance to live and work in a Japanese company in overseas.

In May 2015, the Japanese government announced plans to support the work of the international students by providing College internship recruitment information and is directly connected to the object resources. In general, Japan provides numerous opportunities for you in search of work in the future.

Generous financial aid

The Japanese government decided to support the largest personnel hope to study in Japan, by providing financial assistance for foreign students through scholarships and grants. In addition, various government agencies, the Ministry of education, culture, sports, science, and Technology Organization (MEXT) and Japanese student services (JASSO) have multiple scholarship and assistance schemes in Japan around the university.

Bring the high quality of life

Japan is a national security, the world's most stringent laws on drugs, alcohol, weapons, guns and anti-crime to create a safe environment for every citizen to international students.

The safety belt is they have a beautiful sunrise, let the country become a great place to learn and explore. Familiar with the place including Tokyo students, dense city is the most romantic city in the world. In Kyoto, Japan architecture and unique Shiretoko National Park, where there is a beautiful landscape of the original asphyxia.

Whether you love the city or country, Japan experienced many interesting people here to study.

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