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Looking for a job after graduation in Japan

Do you want to work after graduation, in Japan? This is the answer to the question you may have in Dandan job opportunities for international students in Japan...

The market work here?

If you already know and understand the language and culture here, Japan will be a perfect place to find work. In recent years, the increasing demand for human resources in Japan, the international students have the opportunity to come back to work after graduation, especially for those in the university learning machine will, in Japan open, vigorous in some special areas including business, education, and CNTT in Japan.

Can I work after graduation in Japan?

Japan has been welcoming international students. In this work, after graduation, you will need a job or long-term visa, if you plan to find a job in Japan. Contact the Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan to provide more information about a long-term work visa.

Note that the work here, you need to be familiar with Japanese culture and language have many procedures, provide language classes for international students. Let's take a look at your school or not to participate in the study and test. The second thing you need to care about is not a very early application. Although there is a lot of preparatory work, the work to give you, there may be competition. If you want to start their own occupation career in Japan, began to create their own network, I enter into this is because all people know the value of Japan. The life in Japan, you will have a better understanding of the Japanese labor market penetration, just like you want.

These sources are useful.

Looking for a job in Japan may be difficult because the other international students have some system to help foreigners to find work outside of the University. Therefore, to ask the school guidance to find a job, they will tell you how to get a job and friends how to find work you love.

There are certain to many schools, to publish information on their website. Don't be afraid because teachers or friends to assist the school's international office because they will tell you how to go.

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